Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Admittedly, I'm a little behind the times here.  In my defense, I got "promoted" into some other management roles for a few years where I wasn't much of a hands-on sysadmin other than just playing around with some gadgets in my home lab.  I've recently been trying to update my scripting skill-set from VBScript to PowerShell and so far I'm having a blast.  I'm not a developer, nor do I play one on TV, but PowerShell seems to be able to do about anything.

I typically don't like editors for writing scripts.  Notepad works just fine for me (although I do like Notepad++).  Then a few weeks ago I found PowerGUI.  Wow, this opens up a whole new world of possibilities for me.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm not much of a Linux guy... and as I've heard others state it, "I'm a recovering Windows admin", and PowerGUI offers a user interface that is extremely easy for me to work with.

PowerGUI allows users a way to build and manage a repository of scripts in an interface that is both easy on the eyes and extremely functional.  Scripts can be grouped together into a powerpack that can be exported and shared with others.  And there is a nice community of PowerShell gurus that have published some cool powerpacks ready to lock and load.

I've been dissecting the default Network powerpack by Kirk Munro and putting together a list of features I would like to add to it or just customize my own powerpack.  Hopefully more to come in the next few weeks.

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