Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just Some Notes On TCPDump Filters

Well I'm sitting here in Orlando at the SANS 2013 conference.  I have a few hours until registration opens up and I was looking through some of my notes from previous SANS conferences.  Here are some tcpdump examples and notes I had accumulated while studying for the GCIA exam.  Some of these are examples I've found from various other sources* and some of them I added for my own reference.  Enjoy!

Expression Description
[x:y] start at offset x from the beginning of packet and read y bytes
[x] abbreviation for [x:1]
proto[x:y] start at offset x into the proto header and read y bytes
p[x:y] & z = 0 p[x:y] has none of the bits selected by z
p[x:y] & z != 0 p[x:y] has any of the bits selected by z
p[x:y] & z = z p[x:y] has all of the bits selected by z
p[x:y] = z p[x:y] has only the bits selected by z
The usual rules about operator precedence apply; nesting things inside brackets is probably a good plan. you'll probably want to put the filter into a file or at least single-quote it on the commandline to stop the shell from interpreting the metacharacters. !([:])&

Parts of an IP Packet
ip[0] & 0xf0 High order nibble: IP version (4 = IPv4, 6 = IPv6)
ip[0] & 0x0f Low order nibble: Header Length (Common Value = 5, Multiplier 4, 20 byte header)
ip[1] Type of Service/QoS/DiffServ
ip[2:2] Total length of datagram in octets
ip[4:2] IP ID number
ip[6] & 0x80 Reserved (Evil bit)
ip[6] & 128 != 0 Evil bit set (RFC 3514 defines the evil bit as April Fools joke)
ip[6] & 0x40 Don't Fragment bit
ip[6] & 0x20 More Fragments bit
ip[6:2] & 0x1fff Fragment Offset (number of 8 octet blocks)
ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0x000 Fragment Offset is not 0
ip[6:2] & 0x3fff != 0 Look for ALL fragmented ip packets
ip[6] &0x20 = 0x20 or ip[6:2] &0x1fff != 0 Look for more fragment bit set or fragment offset greater than 0 (Look for ALL fragmented ip packets)
ip[6] &0x20 = 0 and ip[6:2] &0x1fff != 0 Look for more fragment bit not set and fragment offset greater than 0 (Last fragment packets)
ip[8] TTL
ip[9] Protocol
ip[9] = 0x01 1 = ICMP
ip[9] = 0x02 2 = IGMP
ip[9] = 0x06 6 = TCP
ip[9] = 0x09 9 = IGRP
ip[9] = 0x11 17 = UDP
ip[9] = 0x2F 47 = GRE
ip[9] = 0x32 50 = ESP
ip[9] = 0x33 51 = AH
ip[10:2] Header Checksum
ip[12:4] Source IP
ip[16:4] Destination IP
ip[20..60] No IP Header Options

Parts of an ICMP Packet
icmp[0] Type
icmp[1] Code
icmp[2:2] Checksum
icmp[4...] Payload

Parts of a UDP Packet
udp[0:2] source port
udp[2:2] destination port
udp[4:2] datagram length
udp[6:2] UDP checksum

Parts of a TCP Packet
tcp[0:2] source port
tcp[2:2] destination port
tcp[4:4] sequence number
tcp[8:4] acknowledgement number
tcp[12] header length (Multiplier 4)
tcp[13] tcp flags
tcp[14:2] window size
tcp[16:2] checksum
tcp[18:2] urgent pointer
tcp[20..60] options or data

Other Examples
(tcp[13] & 0x02) != 0 Contains SYN (maybe other stuff as well)
(tcp[13] & 0x03) = 3 SYN / FIN
ip[12:4] = ip[16:4] Land Attack
(tcp[2:2] = 139) && (tcp[13] & 0x20 != 0) && (tcp[19] & 0x01 = 1) Winnuke
(tcp[13] & 0xe7) != 0 Things other than ACK/PSH
(ip[6] & 0x20 != 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff = 0) Initial fragments
(ip[6] & 0x20 != 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0) Intervening fragments
(ip[6] & 0x20 = 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0) End of the fragment train
(ip[0] & 0x0f) != 5 Has IP Options (or is truncated, or is just some sort of freak...)
((ip[6] & 0x20 = 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0)) && ((65535 < (ip[2:2] + 8*(ip[6:2] & 0x1fff)) Ping-O-Death (any oversized IP-transported data...)

TCP Flags (Control Bits)

FIN = Finish
SYN = Synchronize
RST = Reset
PSH = Push
ACK = Acknowledgment
URG = Urgent
ECE = Explicit Congestion Notification Echo
CWR = Congestion Window Reduced

Filter Flags Binary      Hex Description
tcp[13] = 0x01 ---- ---F 0000 0001 = 0x01 FIN only
tcp[13] = 0x02 ---- --S- 0000 0010 = 0x02 SYN only
tcp[13] = 0x03 ---- --SF 0000 0011 = 0x03 SYN-FIN
tcp[13] = 0x04 ---- -R-- 0000 0100 = 0x04 RST only
tcp[13] = 0x05 ---- -R-F 0000 0101 = 0x05 RST-FIN
tcp[13] = 0x06 ---- -RS- 0000 0110 = 0x06 SYN-RST
tcp[13] = 0x07 ---- -RSF 0000 0111 = 0x07 SYN-FIN-RST
tcp[13] = 0x08 ---- P--- 0000 1000 = 0x08 PSH only
tcp[13] = 0x10 ---A ---- 0001 0000 = 0x10 ACK only
tcp[13] = 0x12 ---A --S- 0001 0010 = 0x12 SYN-ACK
tcp[13] = 0x14 ---A -R-- 0001 0100 = 0x14 RST-ACK (it happens)
tcp[13] = 0x18 ---A P--- 0001 1000 = 0x18 PSH-ACK
tcp[13] = 0x20 --U- ---- 0010 0000 = 0x20 URG only
tcp[13] = 0x29 --U- P--F 0010 1001 = 0x29 URG-PSH-FIN (nmap fingerprint packet)
tcp[13] = 0x38 --UA P--- 0011 1000 = 0x38 PSH-URG-ACK interactive stuff like ssh
tcp[13] = 0x40 -Y-- ---- 0100 0000 = 0x40 anything >= 0x40 has a reserved bit set
Tcp[13] = 0x80 X--- ---- 1000 0000 = 0x80 CWR only
tcp[13] = 0xC0 XY-- ---- 1100 0000 = 0xC0 Both ECN flags set
tcp[13] = 0xFF XYUA PRSF 1111 1111 = 0xFF FULL_XMAS scan

tcp[13] & 1 != 0 ---- ---F 0000 0001 = 0x01 FIN set
tcp[13] & 2 != 0 ---- --S- 0000 0010 = 0x02 SYN set
tcp[13] & 4 != 0 ---- -R-- 0000 0100 = 0x04 RST set
tcp[13] & 8 != 0 ---- P--- 0000 1000 = 0x08 PSH set
tcp[13] & 16 != 0 ---A ---- 0001 0000 = 0x10 ACK set
tcp[13] & 32 != 0 --U- ---- 0010 0000 = 0x20 URG set
tcp[13] & 64 != 0 -Y-- ---- 0100 0000 = 0x40 ECE set
tcp[13] & 128 != 0 X--- ---- 1000 0000 = 0x80 CWR set

*Some examples are from and reformatted into a table.  This site also has some other useful info and examples.

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